The Real Fat Burning Zone
In our last post The Truth About the Fat Burning Zone we dissected the renowned and highly ubiquitous low intensity “fat burning zone” theory. While we managed to debunk many of the myths that surround its legendary status, we inevitably opened Pandora’s box with regards to the big picture of fat/weight-loss. Over the next few posts we are going to add some much needed context, dive into what the science says and how this affects our training decisions…
Not to worry, we’ll keep the geek speak to a minimum! Promise.

Top 5 Tips For A Fit And Healthy Thanksgiving
Today I give thanks to you, my incredible fitness family! Each of you in your own special way enriches my life and makes my days that much brighter. To show my gratitude and keep us moving forward toward our fitness goals, I thought I would share my top 5 strategies for managing the gluttony ahead! lol
So here goes…