Live to Train Another Day: Our Top 10 Exercise Recovery Strategies
Fitness is a long term game and it’s all about consistency. The worst thing we can do is push too hard in the early stages, or ignore the body’s warning signs that it may not be the day to HIIT it hard! If we want to get the most out of our training, we have to position ourselves to come into the session in a state of mental and physical readiness. Coming in achy, sore or fried is not going to bode well for us over the long term.
At CBF we encourage people to monitor their state of exercise readiness and respect and honour the recovery process.

Top 8 CBF Fitness Accountability Strategies
As most of you know we launched our 20 Workouts in 20 Days to Kick 2020 to the Curb Challenge this month. Tomorrow is Day 18, so we are nearing the end of our most successful and enjoyable program to date. As part of the program, we are posting quick blog like health, fitness and programming tips. So, as we approach Day 20 I am asking people to look beyond the challenge and into the New Year. What are your plans for staying active? And how will you stay on course? Check out our Top 8 Fitness Accountability Strategies.

Top 3 Tips for Healthy COVID Holiday
Wow - hard to believe the holiday season is upon us already! And as wonderful as this time is, it is not without its stressors, particularly under our current COVID circumstances. The time and energy required to prepare for the holidays and manage our daily commitments can often leave us running on empty. Furthermore…

Top 3 Tips For Kicking The Sugar Habit
In yesterday’s post, we addressed the addictive nature of sugar and processed food. We now understand just how addictive sugar is; how much goes into making it so. The truth is sugar actually alters our brain chemistry in ways that decrease our impulsivity, and increase our drive to feed. “Neural plasticity that occurs as a result of long term sugar consumption has been shown to reduce impulse control and therefore lower the ability to resist the high fat/sugar foods…” These observations were made following a review of over 300 studies on the subject! (1) But, science aside…

Taming The White Crystalline Monster!
As many of you know, we recently launched our November Wellness Challenge. And as always, our amazing community embraced the opportunity and dove in headstrong! However, one particular task has many of us filled with dread and feeling handcuffed.
Go 3 consecutive days without sugar!
“OMG - are they serious? That’s blasphemous! Next thing you know they’ll be tasking us with summiting Everest, or rolling over the Falls in a barrel!” Okay, mildly melodramatic, but this seemingly simple task has taken on Herculean proportions in our collective consciousness. Why is that? Why is it we are so powerless to resist that white crystalline powder?… More importantly, what can we do about it? Dig in and find out!

The Real Fat Burning Zone
In our last post The Truth About the Fat Burning Zone we dissected the renowned and highly ubiquitous low intensity “fat burning zone” theory. While we managed to debunk many of the myths that surround its legendary status, we inevitably opened Pandora’s box with regards to the big picture of fat/weight-loss. Over the next few posts we are going to add some much needed context, dive into what the science says and how this affects our training decisions…
Not to worry, we’ll keep the geek speak to a minimum! Promise.

The Truth About the “Fat Burning Zone”
By now we are all familiar with the “fat burning zone” theory… that wondrous aerobic training ideal that rapidly took on an almost mythical like status for its alleged capacity to melt fat off the frames of its disciples. According to the adage, if fat loss is our goal it is within this relatively low intensity range of 50-70% maximum heart rate (MHR) that the majority of our exercise minutes should be spent. Hence the origin of the long, slow, steady state aerobic zone workouts that now don the screens of cardio machines the world over and continue to pervade most weight loss programs today despite…

Top 5 Tips For A Fit And Healthy Thanksgiving
Today I give thanks to you, my incredible fitness family! Each of you in your own special way enriches my life and makes my days that much brighter. To show my gratitude and keep us moving forward toward our fitness goals, I thought I would share my top 5 strategies for managing the gluttony ahead! lol
So here goes…